
Hi There! Lots of folks have wondered what my email address is or how to contact me. The best way is to post a comment (which I see before they post to the site), and ask for a reply.

I try to post comments inline on a lot of comments that come in, and try hard to respond promptly to any questions.


  1. Keri said,

    Hi Megan… how are you? Great site and I just want to say how much I appreciate what you are doing for the community by being so front and center – don’t know if I could do that myself. Oh, I see that you fly – I’m ATC at a major en-route facility on the east coast and also from Mass (Lowell). Anyways, my question – don’t know if you can or would be willing to answer – is how you worked things out with your wife. I am seriously thinking of transitioning, and that obviously is my greatest concern.

    Thanks again, and hope that you have a great day!



  2. madelyn said,

    Hey Megan –

    I was curious why you didn’t blog about your experience with network television? I was hoping to read about it.


    Megan>> Hi Madelyn – I think I did!

    check out:

    Overnight Mail

    ABC News, Part II

    ABC News

    I didn’t write a lot about what was not a super fun experience reading the generally crappy comments on the ABC site about me… but, I had a hard time saying anything nice about the commenters, so I deferred!

    – Megan

  3. marcia said,

    I, as others, have been inspired by your story. You are truly a courageous person, as is your wife for supporting you though all of this (crapy looks included and snide television interviews included).

    Megan, have you seen the book by Michel Hurst and Robert Swope entitled “Casa Susanna”? It is available at The authors found a treasure trove of photos at a garage sale that depict transgender crossdressers in a time before the choices available to you were even conceived of. They all were photographed at a private residence in upstate New York where they came to dress as “typical middle class, suburban women, complete with tacky furniture and a Scrabble board”, according to the authors. I love every page and every person in it, although most have evaporated into the fabric of time and other personnas. It is fascinating to look at the pictures and try to envision what it must have been like for them in the early 1960’s when the photos seem to have been taken . Here were people who found a safe place, and the support of their trans-sisters, that enabled them to both reveal and revel in who they really were at heart. It is clear to me from the photos that they blossomed in that environment (although clearly the social norms imposed on the “female” of the time were influencing their internal identities as well). The underlying tragedy of the book, and what makes it so incredible, is that none could transition as you did into the person(s) they really were and even hope to retain their jobs. For most of us, those societal constrictions are still very real. Congratulations to you for breaking those bonds. The campers at Casa Susanna would be thrilled for you, as am I.

    Please feel free to email me at the enclosed email address.

  4. T said,

    Thought you might appreciate this NPR story. Great blog!

  5. Glenn said,

    Why don’t you update anymore???

  6. Sara said,

    Hi, I just wanted to send you a brief note about the Congressional post today…a small tidbit you might find interesting. 🙂

  7. Wendy said,

    I see that you are going to be at the Out & Equal Conference in Austin Texas I am planning on attending – I just need my Travel Authorization approved (should happen Monday) and then do everything online to be there arriving Wednesday and leaving Saturday.

    I will be attending as a member of the Chrysler People Of Diversity ERG. Could you say when and where you will be there for those who read your blog and might be going there?

    I myself am transitioning at work and would very much to talk about some things related to work place transition with you.



  8. Jenny said,

    Megan i do not lnow if you will get this but i found myself surfing and i came here??? don’t know why but here i am ,i read about your mom and well it hit me in a spot that hurt so i had to write and again let you know how sad i am over your loosing your mom . I also have a bundle of bad news here my mom passed the day after mothers day and it has been so hard I have my Jellybean (chocolate lab) so i hve my pup to hug and cry with .but more bad has happened ,1)my bro lost his job and then was in an accident (with moms old car) He is ok car will be lost.and then oct 15 the absolute worst i lost my Jellybean , and i am still not finished as i cry everyday for her and i just had spinal surgery so i am stuck here at home alone … yes its been a bad year i can not wait for it to end. I hope yours is getting better and i wish i could give you a hug please take care of yourself and family . be good ok? and as for me i am getting better at loosing mom and Jelly but i hurt so bad . its still too early . wish me well? if you would ever like to chat my email is . take care hugs Jenny

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